
押题 | 2017高考英语书面表达(写作)终极预测精选2 - [ 14篇 ]

2017-06-05 蔡雷英语



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  • 2017高考英语写作预测源自爱疯英语,著作权属归原发布平台及试题原创作者刘璐、全江、魏勇、黄承仁、陈碎仍、段全山、雷霜、 杨华新、龙涛、黄富美、彭雪秋、黄锡标各位老师所有;

  • 欢迎转发,支持原创,如需转载请务必标注以上权属信息;资源源自网络,限于时间有限无法一一核对,使用前务请自行甄别。




  • 1.问题:琴声干扰了你的学习;

  • 2.要求:在高考之前调整练琴时间。


  • 1.词数100左右。

  • 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。


Dear Mr. Huang,

        I am Li Hua, a neighbor living next to your apartment. I am writing to express my dissatisfaction about the noise your son makes every night recently.

        As everyone knows, the college entrance exam is around the corner. I am engaged in preparing for it. Therefore, I need an absolutely quiet atmosphere to study in order to go over what I have learnt. However, it is from 8 to 9 p.m every night that your son practises playing the piano at home. The noise disturbs me, which makes me difficult to concentrate on studying.

        Thus, it is my sincere hope that you can adjust the time of practising or take some other measures to prevent such a matter happening again before the vital exam. I would appreciate it if you could solve the problem as soon as possible.

                                                                             Sincerely yours,

                                                                                           Li Hua

(广西南宁市英华学校 刘璐)



  • 1.按时办理离校手续,安全离校。

  • 2.私自聚餐时讲文明,不酗酒,不违规宴请老师。

  • 3.假期间多参加社会实践活动,多学技能。

  • 4.常回母校看看。


  • 1.词数100左右;

  • 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

  • 3.开头和结尾已为你写好。


Dear fellows,

        I’m Lua , the secretary of the department of senior 3 youth league. In the name of the department of senior 3 youth league, I am writing to call on senior 3 students to obey the following rules and regulations. 

        First and foremost, it is our duty to complete the leaving procedures and submit this form to headmaster before leaving school and make insurance the safety of yourselves. Those who intend to have dinner together must obey social morality and pay attention to the table manners. Alcohol abuse is forbidden. In addition, asking teachers to participate in the banquet is forbidden as well.   Last and foremost, staying at home long time is meaningless and boring. We should take part in all kinds of social activities and acquire some skills of living. 

        As a promising graduation, let’s visit our dear teachers and school regularly!  


                                                                                   Li Hua

(云南省楚雄 全江)


(三)假定你是李华,你的美国笔友Peter就读于某校高三,与父母商量想买一部iPhone 7的手机未果并与父母发生争吵,感到非常苦恼,写信向你倾诉。请你给他写一封劝慰信,内容包括:

  • 1.理解他的心情,也理解父母的苦衷。

  • 2.不需换手机(至少3条理由)

  • 3.与父母和解,全身心投入学习,考上大学以后再考虑。


  • 1.词数100左右;

  • 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

  • 3.开头和结尾已为你写好。


Dear Liu Tao,

        I’m Li Hua, as your pen pal, I’m deeply sorrow to hear that a quarrel happened between your parents and you because of buying an iPhone 8.

        I understand your suffering as well as your parent’s original ideas about if it is necessary to buy an iPhone 7 for a senior 3 student. As for your present situation, it is a bad choice to buy an iPhone 7. First and foremost, cell phones are forbidden to use at school according to rules and regulations. What’s more, buying an iPhone 8 will increase parent’s burden, concerning present situation of your family. Last but not least, using cell phone does has great negative effect on your study. 

        Don’t be so frustrated, cheer up! You should apologize to your parents sincerely and devote all yourself to study. After entering university, you can take it into consider. Hope my persuasion is helpful to you. 


                                                Li Hua

(云南省楚雄 全江)


(四)假定你是李华,圣诞节期间你计划去英国旅行,预定了Grand Hotel,因临时有事,需要将预定的房间取消。现在请你给经理写一封道歉信,要点如下:

  • 1. 对取消预定表示歉意;

  • 2. 提出解决的办法;

  • 3. 再次请求原谅。 


  • 1. 词数100左右;

  • 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

  • 3. 开头语和结束语已为你写好。

Dear Manager,

I am looking forward to your reply.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


Dear Manager,

        I am writing to make an apology to you, for I have to cancel the room I booked last month. I did decide to travel to England and stay at your hotel during this Christmas. However, one of my best friends got ill and I have to take care of her for nearly a whole month, which means I can not go to England on time.

        I wonder whether I can put off my room-booking to the New Year, when I will be free. If it is not convenient for you to make an arrangement, I will still pay for the room.

        I am terribly sorry again for the trouble I made. Please forgive me for any inconvenience caused.

        I am looking forward to your reply.

                                                Yours sincerely,

                                                Li Hua

(宁夏石嘴山市第一中学 魏勇)


  • 1.表示歉意;

  • 2.解释上课使用手机的原因;

  • 3.提出自己的请求并适当表态。


  • 2.可适当添加细节使文章连贯;

  • 3.信的开头和结尾已给出。 

Dear Mr. John, 

Yours sincerely,



Dear Mr. John,                                                               

        I’m really sorry about my using the mobile phone in your lecture last week. Please accept my heart-felt apology for being so rude. 

        I know any word might sound a made-up excuse. But I didn’t use the mobile phone for no reason. I was trying to apply to some American universities last week and that day, I got an offer and they needed my further information immediately. Therefore, I had no other choice but to try sending them a text message in class and that was exactly what I was doing when you discovered. 

        I promise it will never happen again. But I do need my phone back to get in touch with others. Will you be kind enough to give it back to me? 

        I sincerely hope you can accept my apology and understand my situation.

                                                Yours sincerely, 


(原创作者:安徽省安庆市朴初中学 黄承仁)



  • 1. 活动时间

  • 2. 活动目的

  • 3. 活动内容(每人至少读2本,内容不限,并在活动的最后一天参加学校组织的读书交流会)


  • 1.词数100左右; 

  • 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。



        With the hit CCTV program The Reader sparking people’s passion in reading nationwide, we are going to hold an activity --Reading Month. It aims to foster our reading ability as well as broaden our horizons. Everyone is welcome to participate.

        As is scheduled, the activity will last from May 1st to June 1st, during which every participant is required to read at least two books of any kind. Besides, an exchange meeting will be held on the last day of the event and all participants are encouraged to share what they have read and learnt with others.

        It is such a meaningful activity that we call on everyone to join in it.

                                                The Students’ Union

(广东省普宁市华美实验学校高中部 陈碎仍) 



  • 比赛时间:7 月1日  

  • 报名时间:截止到6月30日

  • 报名地点:电视台


Dear Peter, 

        I read in a newspaper today that a ―Learn Chinese, Sing Chinese Songs‖ Foreigners’ Talent Show will be held in our Television Station on July 1st.I do believe it is not only interesting but also meaningful. I know you like singing, and you are in China during that period. There is no doubt that it is a good chance for you to show your singing talent, and how well you’ve learned Chinese. If you would like to try, you have to go to the TV station to sign up before the end of June. If there is anything I can do for you, I would be more than glad to help.


                                                Li Hua

(甘肃省高台一中高三英语教研室 段全山)




  • 1. 简介你推荐的景点;

  • 2. 叙述理由;

  • 3. 表达祝愿及期待。


  • 1. 字数100左右;

  • 2. 可以适当增减细节,以使行文连贯;

  • 3. 开头语已为你写好。

Dear Tom, 

How happy I am to know that you are going to travel in China.


Li Hua


Dear Tom, 

        How happy I am to know that you are going to travel in China. Knowing that you show great interest in Chinese magnificent mountains and rivers, I will recommend Huangshan Mountain to you.

        Located in Anhui province, Huangshan Mountain is one of the most famous places of interest in China. It towers over the land and reaches to the sky, which shines like a diamond in the blue sky. No words can describe its beauty and it will definitely leave you a deep impression. Obviously, Huangshan Mountain is worth your visit, where you can live in harmony with nature and be far away from the noise of the outside world. 

        I will be glad if you can consider my recommendation. Look forward to your arrival and wish you a nice journey.


                                                Li Hua

(广东省佛山市南海执信中学 雷霜)



